Insufferable Genius: Sara is an artistic genius, and won't let Amy out of her shadow.At one point, Slappy cackles about making Amy's parents commit her to a mental institution if she doesn't follow his orders. Gaslighting: Slappy's mission in this book is to explicitly convince Amy's parents that she's insane, a bit more specific than the general mischief and mayhem he typically causes (this is the only book where the protagonist is treated as disturbed, rather than a deliberate troublemaker).Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling: Sara is responsible, Jed is foolish.At first Alicia is amused, then it starts getting tighter, she panics, she begins to cry in pain making all the other children present burst into tears, Amy does everything she can to open Slappy's hand, but the dummy instead lets out a terrifying Evil Laugh on his own. When Amy makes the birthday girl Alicia shake hands with Slappy wishing her happy birthday. Birthday Party Goes Wrong: In her first ventriloquism gig, Amy goes to entertain small children at a birthday party that is held at the restaurant owned by the father of her best friend Margo, who wants to help her.Dennis is a subversion he lives, but saves the family from Slappy. Demonic Dummy: Slappy, who's alive and evil.Break the Cutie: Slappy engages in some pretty effective psychological torment to force Amy into being his slave.It was later reissued in the Classic Goosebumps line in 2015 as a companion to the first movie. It was adapted into episode 10 of the first season of the TV series, with a novelization based on the episode being released as book 5 of the Goosebumps Presents series. Amy must find a way to defeat the evil dummy before it's too late. And he'll keep on doing it until Amy agrees to become his slave. He begins psychologically tormenting Sara in various ways designed to make it look like Amy is responsible, carefully crafted to make it look like Amy is simply insane.

Wood last time we saw him, but this time he steps up to the role of primary antagonist.

Slappy may have played second fiddle to Mr. To encourage Amy, her father buys her a new dummy from the local pawn shop. Amy is getting somewhere with ventriloquism, but her dummy, Dennis, is old and keeps falling apart. The Goosebumps book which establishes the standard Slappy portrayal.Īmy feels overshadowed by her sister, Sara, who has a real talent for painting. Living Dummy subseries: I | II | III | Bride